Monday, January 19, 2009

Butchering of curly fries

This weekend we Butchered the meanest cows on are ranch, we called him curly fries, why we call him curly fries is because his horns where curled and going into his head, he would never let us get close enough to cut the horns, so we fat-end him up and butchered him out. This was the first time I have seen the process, well its not a pretty site. Joe told me it would only take one shot well it didn't they had to shot him twice. Well the process went on and now today they are up at one of my mother in laws cutting the meat into steaks hamburger and what ever else they can get out of him. He was a very big cow.

They smelt really bad after it was all done. But that is what we did this week end and i bet when we need more meat well butcher out more of the cows we have. I think with everything that is going on in the Work place Joe is thinking more and more about getting more cows, and other animals back down here to raise up and sell and also keep for are self's.